Email marketing

Email marketing remains one of the most effective tactics for communicating with your prospects and taking them closer to purchase, as well as increasing engagement with your customers.

Trained in GDPR and confident using Mailchimp, Dotdigital and Campaign Monitor, I can help you improve conversion rates by optimising your use of email.

How we can help you

  • Compiling email content and campaigns - Support with creating an email calendar, producing and compiling content

  • Personalisation and segmentation - Make better use of your data and lists to improve email performance

  • Building automated journeys - Automation is powerful and can send higher qualified traffic to your website. It also takes the strain off your team by moving from manual to automatic sends

  • Data cleansing and GDPR best practice - Clean data is critical with email marketing. Let us help you understand where the gaps are and improve your data in a GDPR-friendly way

  • Running A/B testing - Test subject lines, content and calls to action to see what resonates best with you mailing list


How we can work together

We’ll have a discovery call where we discuss your challenges and I’ll think about how we can help you.

We’ll work together to define a bespoke set of requirements. Book a call and we can get started.

Let’s work together

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